Egg Donor

Application Requirements

Egg donors make parenthood possible for those who thought they may never conceive.

The gift of life is a miraculous, life-changing gift for intended parents. The donation process has the same effect on the lives of egg donors.

Application Process for an

Egg Donor

Los Angeles Surrogacy is a leading surrogacy agency in the United States, and we stand out as reputable and experienced because of our unhesitating commitment to the creation of new families. We are a dedicated team with a long history of paving the way for successful surrogacy pairings. We are knowledgeable of the legalities and finances, and we are empathetic every step of the way, ensuring transparent communication and the highest standard of medical care.

BMI of 18 to 26*
BMI of 18 to 26*

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a ratio of body fat to height & weight of a person, and is widely considered a great tool to help measure physical health.

An intended parent may conduct their own resource, as there are numerous resources online, or they may contact Los Angeles Surrogacy directly and we will walk you through the journey from start to finish – questions encouraged!

Between the ages of 19 and 30*
Between the ages of 19 and 30*

There are many reasons why age is an important factor in egg donation.

  • The highest quality of eggs are statistically collected from women aged 20-29.
  • Fertility in women statistically begins to decline between ages 30-34.
  • The medication that egg donors are required to inject may take a toll on the body. Older donors typically see more severe symptoms.
  • Aneuploidy (the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell) in eggs statistically increases as women age.
Healthy reproductive system, currently and historically
Healthy reproductive system, currently and historically

Egg donors must have no STDs and regular periods. They must have no reproductive system-related chronic illnesses.

Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle

Overall health is maintained by a healthy lifestyle.

Egg donors must regularly eat meals with nutrients, and must regularly exercise. Those who smoke regularly are unfortunately prohibited from donating eggs, as are drug users and heavy alcohol users.

Mental Health
Mental Health

Overall health is maintained by a healthy lifestyle.

An egg donor cannot have a history of depression or psychotic disorders.
If egg donors seek emotional support during the donation process, Los Angeles Surrogacy provides the utmost physical and psychological care to anyone who may need or want it.
High school diploma or GED
High school diploma or GED

It is required that an egg donor has completed high school or received their GED (General Educational Development), which is widely recognized as an equivalent to a high school diploma.

Ability to commit to at least 5 months for one egg donation cycle
Ability to commit to at least 5 months for one egg donation cycle

We understand that everyone has prior commitments to jobs, families, and additional uses of their time.

Before considering egg donation, be sure you can commit to at least five months of dedicating time to pre-screen tests, then injecting medications, until the final collection procedure.
Willingness to utilize at-home injectable medication
Willingness to utilize at-home injectable medication

Medication by injection may be out of the comfort zone of some women.

We encourage each egg donor to have a support system who may help them with the physical injections and/or provide support during the process. Hormonal medication can have physical and emotional effects on the body, but the reward is far greater than the process.

Ready to Begin Your Journey or Have Questions?