

Speed of Becoming a Surrogate & Duration of Carrying

Typically, the entire surrogacy journey is between 14-22 months.

This timeline starts when you begin filling out your application with Los Angeles Surrogacy, and ends when you give birth. The preparation (from initial inquiries, pre-screenings, and contract work up to embryo transfer) can take anywhere between a few days to 4-5 months depending on scheduling. A surrogate carries a baby for approximately 9 months. The time it takes to find your perfect match of intended parents may vary in length.

Approval Timeline

To get approved for surrogacy, you would first need to be sure you meet all of the requirements.

You will then complete the initial steps, including filling out an application. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted within one business day. Los Angeles Surrogacy is efficient in pushing cases through and getting the surrogacy journey started as soon as possible. We fast-track the approval and matching processes, and can make these processes up to 2 months quicker than other agencies. However, we are able to customize your specific timeline for the comfort of all parties involved. If it is preferred to slow down the process, we are happy to take our time.
Once matched, the timeline between being matched and embryos transferred is 3-4 months.

“The Two-Week Wait”

The “two-week wait” refers to the 2 weeks between the embryo transfer and the pregnancy test date. It is a period of anticipation and excitement!

Meeting The Intended Parents

Whether or not the surrogates meet the parents is completely up to the surrogate and the parents.

Some pairings meet regularly, and the parents may even attend appointments including ultrasound screenings and the child’s birth. However, some pairings decide to meet only via phone or email. Though there is always communication between the surrogate and intended parents to provide information on important milestones, it is not required to ever meet in person if that is the most comfortable agreement between parties. The entire journey is customizable to ensure you are happy to make a match with the type of parent right for you. As far as communication with the intended parents, there are many options to pursue.


Travel is not always required, and will be determined by the clinic that the intended parents are working with.

A surrogate is required to go to the clinic two times. If the clinic is far from their home, they can go to a clinic close by and the results will be sent accordingly. As is every part of the surrogacy journey, travel preferences are customizable and can be communicated and determined at the start of your journey.

Will I Get Emotionally Attached?

The level of attachment is different for everyone, but most surrogates focus on the joy of the overall experience.

All surrogates are required to have their own children and stable homes to begin their application, so they return home after the birth to their own loving families. Surrogates have no biological link to the baby they are carrying, and most surrogates are able to view their journeys as a job with a higher purpose. The emotional attachment to the ultimate purpose of the process – providing hope to intended parents – is usually the greatest feeling.

Relationship with Intended Parents

The relationship between surrogate mother and intended parents is unique to each pairing, but is always a connection of respect and appreciation.

All pairings care for each other – some care from a distance with minimal communication, while others become the best of friends and even stay in touch after the birth of the child. The dynamic of each relationship is the decision of each pairing.
A surrogacy journey is a uniquely powerful and collaborative experience, bringing joy and excitement to all parties involved. At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we guarantee you the most comfortable experience.

Apply to Become a Surrogate

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