Applying to Become

a Surrogate

To apply to become a surrogate, you first must meet certain requirements.

Only then can you begin the application itself. A surrogacy application is a compilation of essential questions, gathering information on the surrogate’s background and preferences.

At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we begin the application process by walking you through the surrogacy journey to be sure there is a thorough understanding of what is required. Once those steps are broken down, you can begin filling out an application form. Below is a breakdown of what is asked of a surrogate on the application.

Basic Personal Information

The start of the application includes providing your name and your contact details such as your address, phone number, and email.

You will also be asked your date of birth, marital status, and the number of children you have. Please note that you must have previously given birth to be a surrogate.

Medical History & Health

The next part of the application will ask you about your prior pregnancies, and you experience(s) with giving birth.

Here, you have the opportunity to share your experiences and insights from past pregnancies, including any challenges you may have encountered. We’ll also discuss your contraceptive history, menstrual cycle, and any variations you’ve noticed. Additionally, we’ll explore your gynecological background, if applicable, and gather information about medications and allergies to ensure your health and safety throughout the process.


You’ll have the chance to share insights into your lifestyle choices, including your approach to smoking and alcohol, as well as your dietary preferences, including any special considerations or restrictions you may have.
Additionally, we’ll discuss any recreational activities you enjoy.”

Emotional Wellness

Here, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your mental health journey, including any support or treatment you’ve sought or are currently receiving. Additionally, we’ll outline the comprehensive care and support you’ll receive throughout your surrogacy journey.

Support System

Do your family and friends support you as you embark on this journey?

Does your partner or spouse support you? Along with the answers to these questions, we will address how Los Angeles Surrogacy will support you from start to finish.

Pregnancy Preferences

This section of the form will ask if you are willing to carry multiples (twins or more).

We will also go over your communication preferences with the intended parents. Additional specific preferences may also be originated by the surrogate here.

Background Checks

The surrogate must consent to a criminal background check, and must agree to provide financial records and employment verification.

At this stage, both a psychological and physical examination will be conducted to ensure that the potential surrogate is fully prepared, both physically and emotionally, to embark on this significant journey.

Personal Motivation

Here you can tell us why you want to become a surrogate, as well as any expectations or anxieties you may have.

We encourage and admire transparent communication so we can discuss anything and everything.

Compensation & Legal

The surrogate will review legal contracts and agreements with an experienced Los Angeles Surrogacy staff member to be sure you are willing to follow the legal guidelines.

Once your application is complete, the excitement begins – the search for your perfect intended parent match!

Apply to Become a Surrogate

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