Steps to Become

a Surrogate

Surrogacy is the beautiful journey of bringing the dreams of parenthood a reality to those who are unable to embark on the journey themselves.

It is a collaboration between surrogate mothers and intended parents, and it is unique to each pairing and each experience. At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we are dedicated to guiding both parties through a smooth and loving voyage from start to finish.

10-Step Proccess

to Surrogacy

Los Angeles Surrogacy is a leading surrogacy agency in the United States, and we stand out as reputable and experienced because of our unhesitating commitment to the creation of new families. We are a dedicated team with a long history of paving the way for successful surrogacy pairings. We are knowledgeable of the legalities and finances, and we are empathetic every step of the way, ensuring transparent communication and the highest standard of medical care.


As the first step, a surrogate connects with Los Angeles Surrogacy to gain a better understanding of what lies ahead. Here, she can ask any and all questions with no pressure.

Complete Profile
Complete Profile

If the surrogate decides to begin the process, she will complete a surrogate profile. Then, she will wait for a potential parent match!

Match with Parents
Match with Parents

Once matched with (an) intended parent(s), financial matters are discussed with open communication.

Once everyone is on the same page and in agreement, arrangements will be finalized.

To prepare for IVF, surrogates receive both psychological and physical examinations.

Legal paperwork is signed by both parties and the surrogate prepares for embryo transfer.

Pregnancy Journey Begins
Pregnancy Journey Begins
The embryo transfer is the most exciting step of the journey! The pregnancy process begins.
9 Months of Support
9 Months of Support

Throughout the next 9 months, the surrogate attends regular post-transfer and OB appointments.

Both baby and surrogate mother receive support and care during this time.

Sign Pre-Birth Order
Sign Pre-Birth Order

The pre-birth order is signed, and the intended parents are recognized as the legal parents of the baby.

Baby Arrives!
Baby Arrives!
The most important step – the baby arrives!
The Journey Ends
The Journey Ends

After the birth, a birth certificate, passport, and travel documents are created. The surrogate is paid the final compensation installment.

Both parties then celebrate a successful, remarkable

pregnancy journey!

The power of compassion, selflessness, and human connection drives us at Los Angeles Surrogacy to do what we do. We have seen strong, forever connections form through the gift of life. From step 1 to step 10, surrogates and intended parents feel nothing but comfort and excitement while awaiting the birth of the child. Dreams do come true.

Ready to Begin Your Journey or Have Questions?