Surrogate Requirements and Qualifications

Happy surrogate mother after successfully passing the requirementsSurrogacy is considered a modern medical miracle by fertility doctors and IVF specialists, but surrogacy would not be possible without the kind-hearted surrogate mothers at the core of it all. These incredible women meet strict requirements to ensure they are well-prepared physically and emotionally for the journey ahead, embodying the strength and dedication needed to bringing new life into the world.

Gestational surrogacy occurs when the egg of an intended mother (or a donor) and the sperm of an intended father (or a donor) are combined to form an embryo. That embryo is then transferred to the uterus of the surrogate, who may also be known as the gestational carrier. The embryo grows into a beautiful baby boy or girl. The surrogate then delivers the baby after nine months, and the intended parents get to bring home their bundle of joy.

The success of a surrogacy journey relies on the emotional and physical wellbeing of the surrogate, because her health can affect the baby’s health. So, upon partnering with a surrogacy agency, there are both pre-screenings and ongoing support systems for every surrogate throughout their entire experience.

At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we take every measure necessary to ensure a safe journey from start to finish. Both intended parents and surrogates are required to fill out forms and attend interviews to be sure they qualify for their upcoming role as parent or gestational carrier. The surrogate will also partake in psychological and physical assessments to ensure she is fit and ready for pregnancy.

Our Gestational Surrogate Requirements

General Requirements

Surrogacy is never a “one size fits all” journey, so if you have any questions about our requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us here. But generally, in order to become a surrogate at Los Angeles Surrogacy, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Age: Applicants must be between the ages of 20 and 29 years old.
  • BMI: Applicants must have a Body Mass Index of 33 or less, unless otherwise advised by a doctor.
  • Past Pregnancy: Applicants must already have successfully completed at least one full-term pregnancy with no major pregnancy or delivery complications.
  • Childcare: Applicants must be living with and be the primary caregiver of at least one of their own children.
  • Legal Status: Applicants must reside in the United States legally by citizenship, Green Card, or otherwise.
  • Financial Assistance: Applicants must not be on any government assistance. This does exclude, however, the case of a disabled child.
  • Drug Use: Applicants must not currently use any drugs. A person would need to be one year drug-free before applying. Applicants must also reside in a drug and smoke-free home. Unacceptable drugs include:
    • Nicotine
    • Antidepressants
    • Any illegal drugs
  • Background Check: Applicants and their partners must both pass background checks.

Physical Requirements

Pregnancy involves many intricate complexities and risks. Statistically, women between the ages of 20 and 39 have a higher likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and a smooth delivery experience.

Also, according to the World Health Organization, an ideal Body Mass Index range is between 18.5 and 24.9. Pregnant women with BMI scores above a 33 are more likely to experience health complications according to recent studies.

Psychological Requirements

Being a surrogate requires a level of emotional preparedness, just as pregnancy and parenthood do. Because the surrogacy journey involves a year-long partnership with intended parents filled with lots of communication, many medical appointments, and the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy, a certain amount of emotional stability is required of the surrogate. Support from the surrogate’s partner and those living in the same residence is also a necessity.

Why Is There Age Requirements to Become A Surrogate?

Complications for Surrogates

Statistics show that the chances of gestational diabetes and hypertension are increased for pregnant mothers over the age of 39. For some, the chances reach 15-20%.

The likelihood of needing a Cesarean section also increases with age. For women under 35, the C-section rate is somewhere between 20-25%, whereas it increases to 30-35% after the age of 40. Although C-sections are a life-saving procedure, they pose their own physical risks and there is good reason to reduce the likelihood, if possible.

Complications for Baby

Studies show that there are higher rates of chromosomal abnormalities and preterm births amongst pregnant mothers in their late 30’s and older. Though these statistics are generalities, we use this scientific data to try to minimize pregnancy complications for the surrogate and newborn health complications for the baby.


I Meet the Requirements! Now What?

Congratulations on meeting all of the surrogate requirements! Your next step is to get in contact with us by filling out our Become A Surrogate Application here. Your next step will involve a phone call or an in-person meeting with our team, so we can get to know each other and answer any questions you may have. Then, once the initial conversation is completed, we can begin the transfer of your medical records and begin your pre-screening assessment process!

Once your surrogacy profile is complete, our team at Los Angeles Surrogacy will help to find you a match with intended parents that have similar preferences to yours.

From there, we help you to partner with one of the best legal teams in California that specialize in surrogacy, and we ensure that you are represented by a different attorney than the intended parents to give you the best individual protection. We help you set up appointments with a leading fertility clinic in your area, and we plan your ideal methods and schedule of communication with your new match of intended parent(s). Lastly, of course, we discuss payment. You will never pay any legal or medical fees, and will receive compensation for your sacrifice as a surrogate mother.

The benefits of becoming a surrogate include the joy of knowing that you brought the miracle of life to an individual or couple who thought they may never conceive. You will form a (sometimes lifelong) partnership with your intended parent partner(s). And of course, you will receive compensation and reimbursement for your time and physical commitment.

Are you interested in embarking on your own journey as a surrogate? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Los Angeles Surrogacy team to get your questions answered.