Become a Surrogate in Beverly Hills

Become a surrogate in Beverly HillsIf you want to become a surrogate in Beverly Hills, or if you are interested in working with intended parents that live in or near Beverly Hills, you have come to the right place. Los Angeles Surrogacy is a leading surrogacy agency in Los Angeles, and we have years of experience working in Beverly Hills.

Become a Surrogate in Beverly Hills, California

Beverly Hills is a part of Los Angeles known for being safe and well-kept. Many celebrities that work in media production reside here because of this. It is portrayed in songs and movies as an upper class community and “the place you want to be.”

You could qualify to become a surrogate for intended parents living in Beverly Hills if you live or work in this area. Surrogates here receive the best fertility care in the country, and the odds of your intended parents living close by are high. A majority of surrogates like this because it means you can create a bond, and oftentimes a lifelong friendship, with them. You can share your excitement together at each pregnancy milestone!

How to Qualify as a Beverly Hills Surrogate

For a detailed breakdown of the general surrogate requirements at Los Angeles Surrogacy, please read Meeting Surrogate Requirements. There are little to no new requirements that apply to Beverly Hills specifically. At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we follow the same set of standards for every applicant.

To summarize, potential surrogate applicants must:

  • Be between 20-29 years old
  • Have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 33 or less, unless a doctor advises otherwise
  • Have successfully delivered a child after a full-term pregnancy with no major complications
  • Live and be primary caregiver of at least one of her own children
  • Legally reside in the US
  • Not use any drugs, including nicotine and prescribed antidepressants
  • Pass a background check

As stated above, all surrogates also must live or work in (or near) Beverly Hills to become a surrogate in this region. You must provide documentation of your residence or your place of employment’s address.

If you match all of the above criteria and are interested in starting your journey as a surrogate mother, contact us here.

Surrogate Application Process

Applying to Become a Surrogate provides a step-by-step list of the application process, but here is a summary of what you will need to do:

  1. Provide basic information.

This will initially be your contact info (name, phone number, email, and mailing address). Later on you will be asked more personal questions, like your date of birth, your marital status, and the number of children you have.


  1. Detail your current and past medical data.

You may list out any past medical complications, allergies, birth control methods you used, and any drugs you took. Diet and exercise regimens may or may not be discussed, depending on the personal values of your agency and your intended parent partners.


  1. Talk about your mental health.


You will be asked about any emotional wellness treatments you have undergone. Many surrogacy agencies provide, or help surrogates to find, mental health resources during their pregnancy journey.


You will need the support of your partner and any other people you share your home with in order to qualify to become a surrogate.


  1. Discuss your preferences.


With their years of experience in matching surrogate and intended parents together, your surrogacy agency case manager will lead this discussion and ask you about your different preferences in different areas. You will talk about the type of relationship you want with your intended parent partners, what you need to feel comfortable throughout your journey, and of course how much you would like to be paid. If all is reasonable, this will be agreed upon by everyone involved before contracts are signed.

Surrogate Pregnancy Process

Surrogacy Journey provides a detailed outline of the entire surrogacy process from the beginning. If you are curious about the timeline of the entire journey from start to finish, we recommend giving that a read.

After the surrogate screening and intended parent matching processes, and only after all agreements are met and contracts are signed, the pregnancy journey begins. 

The surrogate will have an embryo transferred into her uterus using IVF technology. In gestational surrogacy cases, she will not use her own egg. This means she will not have a biological connection to the child.

After the transfer, there is a “two-week wait.” This nickname was coined due to the two week waiting period between the embryo transfer and the first pregnancy test. If the test is negative, this means the surrogate’s uterus did not accept the embryo, and the fertility clinic will try again. (Typically, enough eggs are collected from the intended mother or a donor to try this process multiple times if necessary.)

If this test comes back positive, it means you are pregnant and you are carrying the child of your intended parent partners!

What the rest of your pregnancy journey looks like fully depends on your agreements and your relationship with the intended parents. Although some things are set in stone like regularly-scheduled doctor appointments, some things are not – like day-to-day texts, calls, meet-ups, and celebrations with your intended parent teammates. That is why most surrogacy agencies detail your preferences and establish communication style before legal contracts are signed.

On the day of delivery, your agency case manager as well as the intended parents will be at the hospital for the birth of the child. After the baby is born, you will ensure all documentation is handed over to the baby’s parents and collect your final payment.

Then, your journey is complete. But you can of course stay in touch with your new friends if you both wish.

Joining a Surrogacy Agency in California

California is one of the best places in the world to become a surrogate mother. We utilize a customizable legal framework, an inclusive social standard, and advanced medical facilities dedicated solely to fertility treatment.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, please contact us here.