Become a Surrogate in Riverside, California

Become a surrogate in Riverside CABecoming a surrogate in Riverside offers a serene environment that perfectly complements the rewarding journey of surrogacy. Riverside, California is known for its citrus industry built around their production of the navel orange, as well as their hotels, polo fields, research institutions, and award-winning golf courses. It’s not far from Los Angeles and reaps many of the benefits of being near a megacity, but is removed from the craziness of inner-city life.

Riverside supports a growing surrogacy industry by housing IVF clinics, surrogacy legal teams in a state with customizable and nondiscriminatory laws, and a progressive social environment.

Los Angeles Surrogacy is proud to guide intended parents from across the globe throughout their surrogacy journey. We can help both international and local couples or individuals in any of the US states where surrogacy is legal. But because we are based in California, we are most familiar with surrogacy here and partner with many surrogates in Riverside.

Is Surrogacy Legal in Riverside, California?

Yes! Surrogacy is not only legal here, but California is the best place to pursue surrogacy in the world, in our opinion. Here’s why we think that:

  1. Legalities

California’s legal system surrounding surrogacy is customizable to each partnership, but also straightforward and easy to understand.

Examples of this:

  • California is one of few US states that establishes a pre-birth parentage order which declares that the intended parents are the child’s legal parents, and this will change under no circumstances. This confirms the intended parents will be on the child’s birth certificate, and is signed and notarized before any part of the surrogacy process can begin.
  • California law requires that the intended parent(s) and the surrogate be represented by two different legal representatives. This ensures each party gets what they want, understands their responsibilities fully, and is protected.
  • In California, it does not matter where you come from – you will be protected by the same laws and regulations as locals. The only difference may be additional paperwork to allow your baby to travel once born.

    2. Inclusivity

California laws will not and can not discriminate against any labels like gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. California houses a progressive legal structure and society that encourages people of all types to pursue parenthood when they are ready and able.

         3. Advancements

California IVF clinics have the most advanced IVF technology available, giving surrogates the best chance of pregnancy and keeping surrogates safe.

How Much Do Surrogates Make in Riverside?

Individual surrogate payments have a wide range due to individual circumstances. The structure usually looks like this:

  • A base compensation
  • Reimbursements for pregnancy-related expenses
  • Payments to make up for lost wages at the end of the surrogate’s pregnancy
  • Additional payment given to surrogates who
    • Carry multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)
    • Require C-section surgeries
    • Are experienced and have been surrogates before

Overall, a surrogate will most likely see somewhere between $30,000-$80,000 in direct payment. Their legal fees, medical fees, and other surrogacy-related fees will be covered by the intended parents.

At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we review payment details in depth before the surrogate begins any part of the surrogacy process. This leaves nothing up for confusion and allows each party the chance to negotiate or decline anything they are uncomfortable with.

Qualifications to Become a Surrogate in Riverside

To become a surrogate with Los Angeles Surrogacy, you need to:

  1. Be between 20-39 years old.
  2. Have a healthy BMI.
  3. Have had one successful past pregnancy.
  4. Be raising one of your children in your own home.
  5. Reside in the United States legally.
  6. Not take any drugs. If you have taken antidepressants in the past, you need to be off of them for at least one year before becoming a surrogate.

How are Surrogates Matched with Intended Parents?

All prospective surrogates first get physical and emotional wellness examinations to be sure they are physically and mentally capable of fulfilling a surrogate’s responsibilities.

During the interview part of the screening process, surrogates will be asked about their specific preferences for their surrogacy journey.

This includes communication preferences, like:

  • Depending on distance, are you willing to meet up in person?
  • Would you like to text your intended parent partners, or keep communication to calls? Or Zoom meetings?
  • How often is a comfortable amount to contact each other?
  • What meetings can intended parents attend with you? Are you comfortable carpooling?
  • Do you prefer only working with local intended parents, or are you open to international partners?


Questions may also be about your preferred IVF clinic, check-up clinic (OB-GYN), hospital, etc. Surrogates get to decide who is present in the room during the birth, as well.

Though some lifestyle habits are required of surrogates, such as being drug, alcohol, and smoking-free, some intended parents have additional preferences. Some intended parents ask their surrogate partner to eat healthy, avoid caffeine, exercise lightly, and try to reduce stress – and research shows that all of these habits are beneficial for the unborn baby. You will never be paired with an intended parent that requires something of you that you are uncomfortable with.

Surrogates are also welcome and encouraged to bring up any specific preferences in areas they may not be asked about. At Los Angeles Surrogacy, we take all desires into consideration to match surrogates and intended parents up perfectly.

Why Riverside?

Aside from the fact that California’s laws and technological advancements make it one of the best places to pursue surrogacy, Riverside’s proximity to both Los Angeles and San Diego offers Riverside many options for medical clinics, legal representatives, and intended parent/surrogate partnerships. Logistics aside, Riverside’s mountain views are stunning.

Why Los Angeles Surrogacy?

We have 15 years of combined experience in the surrogacy industry. We know all of your options and how to navigate them, as we have navigated them before. We know how to match successful partnerships, and we provide the support you need when you are pregnant.

Are you interested in becoming a surrogate in Riverside, California, or are looking to get more information? Contact us here.