Where all Questions About Surrogacy Find an Answer

Termination of a Pregnancy

Termination of a Pregnancy

By Shannon Johnson | July 10, 2024

Top Religious Positions About Termination of a pregnancy Explained There are many different opinions in modern-day society surrounding abortion. Many stem from political parties and their general viewpoints regarding religious beliefs and tax dollars. Others have individualized viewpoints based on their personal experiences. No matter what your opinion is, it is valid and you should…

What to pack in a hospital bag

What Should You Pack in Your Surrogate Hospital Bag?

By Shannon Johnson | July 9, 2024

You’ve heard of the infamous “hospital bag” – the bag that pregnant women pack as they approach their due date (or long before). And because prior successful pregnancies are required to become a surrogate, you’ve likely packed this bag before. But is the hospital bag different for a surrogate? Should there be differences? Should you…

Women calculating agency fee

What Does a Surrogacy Agency Fee Cover?

By Shannon Johnson | July 9, 2024

There are many different options for couples in 2024 to grow their families. If you are considering surrogacy, there are many choices you can make that will personalize your journey and ensure it is a good fit for you. In this article we’ll discuss what is included in an agency fee. One of the biggest…

The intended parents and surrogate after going through the screening process.

The Surrogate Screening Process

By Shannon Johnson | June 27, 2024

Becoming a surrogate is a rewarding adventure. Surrogates finish their respective journeys with new lifelong friends, full hearts, and big paychecks. Because a surrogate has big shoes to fill, there is an in-depth screening process that must occur before she is approved to become a surrogate and begin the matching process. Though the screenings are…

A couple smiling after finding several potential surrogates

What do surrogates make?

By Shannon Johnson | June 13, 2024

Have you ever wondered how much money surrogates make? After all, pregnancy is no joke. Surrogates get paid for their time and commitment. A pregnant person experiences fatigue, weight gain, and hormonal fluctuations throughout those nine months, and she has to pay careful attention to her health to be sure she is providing a healthy…

A women on a call and going through the surrogacy matching process

The Surrogacy Matching Process

By Shannon Johnson | June 13, 2024

When an individual or couple decides to embark on a surrogacy journey to have a child of their own, their journey can only begin when they find a surrogate match. This surrogate will be a like-minded individual who will carry and deliver their baby.  When a woman decides to become a surrogate to help intended…

A couple looking over the cost of surrogacy

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost?

By Shannon Johnson | June 10, 2024

Understanding the Cost of Surrogacy If you are an intended parent considering surrogacy to have a child, you should understand all the costs involved before getting started. We broke down the surrogacy cost into segments to help you understand exactly what you are paying for. Surrogacy Cost Breakdown Most agencies arrange all of their fees…

Happy surrogate mother after successfully passing the requirements

Surrogate Requirements and Qualifications

By Shannon Johnson | June 9, 2024

Surrogacy is considered a modern medical miracle by fertility doctors and IVF specialists, but surrogacy would not be possible without the kind-hearted surrogate mothers at the core of it all. These incredible women meet strict requirements to ensure they are well-prepared physically and emotionally for the journey ahead, embodying the strength and dedication needed to…

A picture of a happy surrogate mother.

What Is A Surrogate Mother?

By Shannon Johnson | June 4, 2024

There is no surrogacy without a surrogate mother. According to the Oxford English Language Dictionary, “surrogate mother” is even in the definition of surrogacy. Surrogacy is defined as “the process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth.” Therefore, to understand the role of a surrogate mother in all its…

picture of the whole surrogacy journey.

What is Surrogacy?

By Shannon Johnson | June 3, 2024

So you are ready to have children and are looking to pursue surrogacy as an intended parent. Or you have children of your own and are looking to become a surrogate to help others start their families. Or, you know a surrogate or someone about to start their family via surrogacy and you are curious…